

house chore的相關標籤

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Anak Soleh 🥰 #AliOmarMukhlis #littlemomentsthatmakemyheartflutter 💓 p/s: Teach your children to see helping around the house not as a chore, but a responsibility - especially our sons! So when they have a family of their own, they’ll know that their responsibility as a husband is not only to earn money for the family, but also to manage the household alongside their wives. After all, even our beloved Rasulullah (SAW) helped around the house... #wisemomsays

Anak Soleh 🥰 #AliOmarMukhlis #littlemomentsthatmak...

Meet Henry The Vacuum Cleaner and his best friend @theomarmukhtar who have been loyally keeping our house clean - bless them both! 😉 p/s: Teach your children to see helping around the house not as a chore, but a responsibility - especially our sons! So when they have a family of their own, they’ll know that their responsibility as a husband is not only to earn money for the family, but also to manage the household alongside their wives. After all, even our beloved Rasulullah (SAW) helped around the house...♥️ #wisemomsays

Meet Henry The Vacuum Cleaner and his best friend ...

Always encourage your children to help around the house. And avoid rewarding them with money or material for the help that they give. Don’t label it as a chore, but make them realise that it is their responsibility as part of the family. And let them start from a young age. Don’t wait until it’s too late for them to realise their role as a family member. And don’t differentiate tasks for boys and for girls. For example, it’s not just the girls that are responsible to help with cooking in the kitchen. Let both boys and girls share the duties equally, especially for the boys. Let them understand that there is no such thing as a "boys’ task" and a "girls’ task". So when they grow up and have a family of their own, they’ll know that their responsibilities include helping around the house too. Or at least they won’t struggle to do grocery shopping for their wives! After all, even our beloved Rasulullah (SAW) helped around the house. It is a neglected Sunnah - don’t let our culture win over our religion! Lead by example, Mrs Mom - a mother blessed with 3 amazing children...sharing parenthood experience! #wisemomsays

Always encourage your children to help around the ...